International Open-Access Scientific Journal for Students and Graduates Research
Author Guidelines for Manuscript
The manuscript must be sent in MS Word. Please do not send PDF.
All articles must be submitted in English.
The manuscript must be proofread before submission.
The manuscript should not exceed 10 pages (approximately 6000 words).
Abstract should have maximum 200 words.
Figures and tables should be placed in the right place within the article, according to content.
When figures and tables are taken from another source, the reference mus be placed under the caption (for example: Source: (Smith, 2018)).
When figures and tables present the results obtained by the author(s), the source must indicate "Author(s)" (for example: Source: Author(s))
For references (bibliography), APA style sixth edition must be used (see APA style basics here).
Minimum number of references: 10.
Format: 1.5 spacing , Times New Roman 11, A4 with 2.5 cm edges. Footnotes: Times New Roman 10. Headings: Times New Roman 11 Bold. Figures and Tables captions: Times New Roman 10 Bold.
What to submit
Authors should submit for every manuscript (article) the following three files:
One full copy of the paper (in Microsoft Word) .
One separate page (in Microsoft Word) with the following information: Title, Author(s) and their affiliation, Abstract.
One separate page (in Microsoft Word) with all figures, graphs, charts, diagrams, tables, including their respective captions and titles (to assist with layout editing).
Quality Expectations
All manuscripts submitted to Research Focus are expected to:
Refer to previous relevant published works;
Be of a high professional standard;
Be proof-read and publication ready*;
Have the article structure of the relevant submission type; and
Comply with the format guidelines.
​*It is expected that manuscripts have been proof-read and are publication ready. No typos, misspelling, grammatical errors. For this type of checking we recommend Grammarly. It is also expected that the manuscript is original (see Plagiarism).
Submissions that do not meet these initial requirements will be returned to authors for correction before being sent for review.
All submitted papers, regardless of the type of article, will be checked for plagiarism using the PlagiarismDetector software. Read more.