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About the Journal



The Research Focus Journal is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed, scholarly publication exploring the research interests, topics and focus of university students and graduates.  The Journal provides the opportunity to disseminate current research, interests and focused topics.    


Researchers, university teachers and university students and graduates are encouraged to submit.


The Journal welcomes manuscripts from all scientific and academic disciplines. Special issues dedicated to certain topics may be launched.  


Research Focus considers multiple types of submissions in the journal:  Research Articles (peer-reviewed scholarly papers), Literature Review Research Articles (focused on specific topics), and Features (may include interviews or invited papers).


All submitted papers should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to Research Focus.



Peer Review Process


All research articles will be refereed in a double-blind review process by at least two reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area.


All literature review articles will be considered  by the editorial team prior to being selected for publication and are not subject to peer review.






Research Focus  uses PlagiarismDetector - plagiarism detection software -  on all submitted manuscripts.




Publication frequency


Research Focus publishes two issues per year. For the open issues, submissions are accepted any time. The open issues are published May/June and November/December. For the special issues, a call for submissions will be announced, with a deadline for publication within three months from the call was open.


Article Processing Charges (APCs):  There are no submission or processing costs associated with the Journal.





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Open Access Journal
ISSN 2668-4675
Publishing Agreement


By submitting your manuscript, you agree to the Publishing Agreement.


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